Information about PWA's and the Hydraulisc PWA


We highly recommend you read this in-depth article about PWA's before reading below.

The Hydraulisc PWA

Firstly, if you are here, I, SleepingAmi, want to personally say sorry for your loss... of time. This article covers some already widely covered topics on the internet, and is rather useless.

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)

From Mozilla: "A progressive web app (PWA) is an app that's built using web platform technologies, but that provides a user experience like that of a platform-specific app."

In simpler terms, a PWA is a website that provides you with an instant home screen & apps list shortcut to the site, with a simple yet sleek design. PWA's also allow developers to integrate web technologies into seemingly mobile or desktop apps, by mimicking their nativity.

Why develop Hydraulisc as a PWA

Progressive web apps combine the best features of traditional websites and native OS-specific apps.

Here are some of the main reasons we chose to make Hydraulisc a PWA:

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Site made with a modified version of the Catppuccin mocha theme.

The Catppuccin themes and the Catppuccin mocha theme are licenced under the MIT License, which allows for Public, Private and Commercial Use, Distribution, and Modification.