AIO Interoperable Accounts

Information about The Hydraulisc Network's accounts


We highly recommend you read this Wikipedia article about Interoperability before reading below.

All-In-One (AIO) Interoperable (Cross-Platform) Accounts

What is an Interoperable Account

Firstly, what do we at Hydraulisc consider an AIO Interoperable Account?

From SleepingAmi: "An interoperable account is one you can log in to, with one set of credentials on a single database, across multiple platforms. This isn't any revolutionary technology; Google and Meta (formerly Facebook) have been using this and similar technologies for years. What we hope to achieve is a seemless transition between platforms, ensuring our users get the best experience across multiple platforms."

An Interoperable piece of Software is one that can operate seemlessly between a wide range of products, including products from different vendors, or even between past and future revisions. Reverse-compatability is a major part in Interoperability, that's why at Hydraulisc, API v1 will always stay online, and completely functional.

Furthermore, we plan on making account updating and upgrading Forward-compatible, forever. Unlike old Mojang accounts which are now rendered useless, you will always have the choice to upgrade your account to a newer standard if we ever upgrade. Additionally, upgrading would never be mandatory.

Why complicate things so much


Please note that whilst API's and Accounts may be forward-compatible, we will not give users the option of reversing a migration on their Account to ensure minimal breakage. Account upgrades and migrations are designed to be permanent.

By creating really complex yet ever lasting accounts in the early stages of The Hydraulisc Network's development, we are ensuring we can keep our promise of both reverse-compatible and forward-compatible user experiences.

Additionally, this allows us to be open for more developers to reach out regarding the use of our network's accounts and authorisation systems. OAuth2 is in the works.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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