
Hey There! (spoiler, click to reveal)

Welcome to the Hydraulisc Network. This site is under continuous construction for a better content delivery, and to help users get more accurate information as it's provided.

The main purpose for this site is to help interested parties receive clear, helpful and up-to-date documentation, such as self-hosting, for our projects:

  • StarPlace
  • Free Self-Hostable Social Network, featuring StarBoards where users Post images and stories, in exchange for Stars.

  • The Hydraulisc App
  • Free-To-Use Image Sharing Social Network.

  • PocketLive
  • Privacy & Equality Focused webcam streaming Social Network.

  • CardVerse
  • Free-To-Play Card Collection and Trading minigame.

To keep in the loop, feel free to Join our Discord or Revolt!

Welcome to the Hydraulisc Network!

Getting Started

Hey There! Welcome to the Hydraulisc Network!

You can get started by signing up for an account on Hydraulisc. Additionally, you can join our Discord and Revolt if you like.

Feel free to visit our Help Center if you ever feel a bit lost.

Documentation hosted on GitHub Pages. Contribute Directly on GitHub. Made with Ɛ> by The Hydraulisc Team, proof-read, maintained and fact checked by our incredible Contributors.

Site made with a modified version of the Catppuccin mocha theme.

The Catppuccin themes and the Catppuccin mocha theme are licenced under the MIT License, which allows for Public, Private and Commercial Use, Distribution, and Modification.